Discover the fascinating world of the Rufous-crested Coquette! This spectacular bird stands out for its iridescent plumage and elegant crest. Learn the secrets of this unique species and marvel at its beauty.
A striking bird with its flaming spiky orange crest, iridescent light green belly, and white banded rump!
Meet the Rufous-crested Coquette
Courtesy photo by Francesco Veronesi / CC BY-SA 2.0
The Rufous-crested Coquette (Lophornis delat Trei) is a species of hummingbird native to the tropical Pacific slopes of South America. adult male has a crest of orange feathers tipped with black, extending from a head covered in rufous plumage. A band of white feathers crosses its rump, with brown, orange, and green tail feathers extending posteriorly from there. Its belly and back are covered in an iridescent light green. Its throat is a darker green with feathers that later terminate in small, spiky white feathers. A vertical band of reddish feathers frames the green throat and tail feathers that end in a double loop.
Photo courtesy of BeTTina Arrigoni/CC BY 2.0
Not as conspicuous as the male, the female has a rusty forehead and throat, lacking the green throat and orange crest that he has.
She also has a broad white cheek strip separated by a dark green center on the throat and dark brown below.
Photo courtesy of Panegyrics of GranoveTter/CC BY-SA 2.0
Rufous-crested Coquettes inhabit the Pacific and Caribbean mountain slopes of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Costa Rica, with at least one sighting in western Brazil.
Photo courtesy of Dominic Sherony/CC BY-SA 2.0
In their range, these birds like to inhabit tropical or subtropical lowlands and montane forests at altitudes of 500 m to 1900 m above sea level.
Photo courtesy of Panegyrics of GranoveTter/CC BY-SA 2.0
Rufous-crested Coquettes feed primarily on nectar extracted from a wide variety of small, brightly colored scented flowers on trees, grasses, shrubs, and epiphytes. Preferring flowers that are high in sugar, these birds aggressively guard those areas that contain high-energy nectar. they use their long, extendable, straw-like tongues to retrieve nectar while hovering with tail held up. they are also known to sometimes feed on insects and spiders.
During the breeding season, which is practically all year round, the female builds a cup-shaped nest with interwoven plant fibers and green moss. It is usually built on a shrub, shrub, or small tree. She covers it with soft vegetable fibers, animal air and down. She lays a white egg inside it, then feeds her chicks regurgitated insects once they hatch. After about 20 days, the chicks are fully developed. Virtually the only part of the reproduction process that the male participates in is the act of mating itself.
although rare, the population of the rufous-crested coquette appears to be stable. therefore, the IUCN Red List classifies this species as Least Concern.
Check out this bird right here in the video below:
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