Create Stunning Green Spaces in “Long and Narrow” Areas with These 42 Landscaping Ideas

Having a long and narrow garden design is actually kind of a luxury, but it can be a challenge when designing it. A rectangular dining table may not be enough to do so.


You have to think of how to maximise on that potentially awkward space. So if you want to give your narrow plot a new lease of life and get that wow factor all year round, we’re here to help!

If you’ve got a long and narrow garden you’re not alone, these are pretty much the most common types of garden around. The good news is they can easily be transformed from uninviting corridors to beautiful oases.


A long plot may be spacious one way, but the lack of width can lead to a claustrophobic and uninspiring vibe. The dingy ‘corridor’ effect is primarily what needs to be avoided to create a more welcoming space.

But it can also be tricky to work out how to make a long garden work for your needs. Where to put the seating area, the flowerbeds, and even the pathways can be difficult to decide due to possibilities being seemingly limited.

















































Credit: Pinterest

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