8 Eye Catching Polka Dot Print Houseplants

Polka Dot Print Houseplants

1. Caladium


This can be a showy houseplant that includes giant arrow-shaped white-green leaves, well-motted with pink and crimson spots. It thrives in excessive humidity.

2. Polka Dot Begonia


This begonia selection is grown for its placing appereance and easy-going nature. Its polka dot sample leaves will make an incredible decorative addition to your lounge decor.

3. Dracaena Gold Mud

Polka Dot Print Houseplants 2


Botanical Identify: Dracaena surculosa

It options shiny, dark-green leaves with elegant yellow spots that look merely fabulous with the contrasting darkish foliage. Do word that they’re not typical polka dot in form.

4. Polka Dot Plant


Polka Dot is a horny houseplant in style for its contrasting and noteworthy appereance. It showcases lovely inexperienced leaves with spots and splashes of pink.

5. Purple Ruby Aglaonema

Purple Ruby Aglaonema appears to be like tremendous fashionable on tabletops flaunting its inexperienced leaves with spectacular red-pink dots and splashes.

6. Pink Brocade


Pink Brocade is an attention-grabbing selection with inexperienced positive spots-dots and features on pink leaves. It grows quick and thrives nicely in keen on full daylight.

7. Purple Splash



This terrific houseplant includes a distinctive and placing shiny crimson and black foliage. The darkish leaves with spots and dots within the shade of crimson look fairly distinctive.

8. Silver Squill


Botanical Identify: Ledebouria socialis

With its noticed foliage and distinctive rising behavior, it makes for a good-looking trying houseplant. The sunshine inexperienced leaves have darkish inexperienced spots and patterns on them.

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