50 Photos of Animals Bursting Into Laughter Captured with Perfect Timing and Skill

Wildlife photography is an incredibly demanding art that requires much more than one might initially imagine. Imagine sitting partially submerged in water with mosquitoes buzzing around you, enduring sweltering heat for hours on end, or spending a freezing night in the forest, all while remaining calm and still to gain the trust of wild animals and capture the shot. perfect. On top of that, one must be extremely lucky for the animal to appear. Wildlife photography is a combination of patience, time, skill, love of animals and luck. And with luck, one can capture perfectly timed photos that are so incredible that if you blinked, you’d miss them.

We’ve collected 50 examples of perfectly timed funny animal photos that may seem like they’re just the result of luck. However, there is much more to it than that, as the popular saying goes: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Check out our amazing and fascinating collection of animal images below.


Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Photo Ƅy Daʋid Maitland "imagen"
Photo by Urs Schäidli "imagen"Photo Ƅy Hakan PekƄelgin "imagen"
Photo Ƅy Yʋonne Van Eck "imagen"Photo Ƅy Mahмoud EdeeƄ "imagen"
Photo Ƅy Paм Mullins "imagen"Photo Ƅy Tustel Ico "imagen"
Photo: José Luis Rodríguez "imagen"Photo by Anders Grönlund "imagen"
Photo and Zoltan Gyori "imagen"Photo Ƅy yaki zander "imagen"
Photo and Vedran Vidak "imagen"Photo Ƅy yaki zander "imagen"
Photo Ƅy cherly "imagen"Photo by Seth Casteel "imagen"
Photo Ƅy Marsel ʋan Oosten "imagen"Photo by Harry Roekens "imagen"
Photo by Marco Sartori "imagen"Photo by Carli Daʋidson "imagen"Photo Ƅy nissiм "imagen"Photo Ƅy Roeselien Raiмond "imagen"Photo Ƅy Marina Cano "imagen"Photo Ƅy shiмi eni "imagen"Photo Ƅy Eigil Rasмussen "imagen"Photography: Ric Seet "imagen"Photo and Rick EhrenƄerg "imagen"Photo by Geoffrey Baker "imagen"Photo by Peter Winnan "imagen"Photo Ƅy Conrad Tan "imagen"Photo Ƅy мehмet karaca "imagen"Photo by Ron Bielefeld "imagen"Photo by Peter Daм "imagen"Photo by Chris Fallows "imagen"Photo and John&Fish "imagen"Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Image author: unknown "imagen"Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed Image "imagen"credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Photo by Ian Rentoul "imagen"Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Image credits: Ƅuzzfeed "imagen"Image credits : Ƅuzzfeed"imagen"

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