Charming Rustic Cabin Retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Rustic Tiny Cabin – Blue Ridge


Tiny houses have become a trend in recent years and their numbers are increasing day by day. Today we will introduce you to ‘Rustic Tiny Cabin – Blue Ridge’, suitable for the minimalist life of your dreams.

Due to the increase in the number of tiny houses, the demand for small plots or rental land is increasing. People are looking for a different lifestyle to get away from the chaos of the city and to spend peaceful time in nature with their families on weekends. Therefore, the demand for small houses is increasing.

These houses are wherever you want them. In the mountain, by the sea, in the woods, in your backyard, etc. You can build it anywhere that will make you feel peaceful. There are different alternatives for tiny houses.





This rustic tiny house made using recycled wood is located in Blue Ridge, Georgia, United States. In order to experience this different experience, the house that can be rented through Airbnb offers its guests a romantic holiday pleasure.

This hermitage is located in an incredible nature. Located 10 minutes from Downtown Blue Ridge, the house is close to shops, restaurants, walking, fishing and the lake.




You can enjoy nature outside of the house. You can listen to the sound of nature around the fire pit and enjoy the view in the front patio area.




This eco-friendly house is made from recycled wood. The interior of the house looks very beautiful with its rustic look. Downstairs there is a living room with a pull-out sofa, a television, a small kitchen, a full size bathroom. The upstairs bedroom is accessed via a staircase.







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