How to Oρtimize On Indoor Plɑnts – A Garden in Yoᴜr Living Room

Indoor plants are a great way to bring a dash of nature to the space you are working or living in. Well maintained indoor greenery can really add loads of freshness to your home and office interiors. They go great with almost all designs of furniture and give your space a whole new energy. You can get these plants in a variety of sizes and there are some that can even add fragrance to your room. Depending on what kind of plants you want to be surrounded with, and how much time you can spend for maintenance, there are various plants that you can choose.

Types of indoor plants

There are many types of plants that can suit your office interiors or your home interior perfectly. The most basic classification is whether you want flowering or non-flowering varieties. The Amaryillis, the Moth Orchid or the Peace Lily are beautiful flowering varieties that grow very well in controlled indoor conditions. Plants like the English Ivy, Chinese evergreen or the Mother-in-law’s tongue are perfect if you are interested in greens.

Another way to choose your indoor plant is by the amount of time you can spend on maintaining it. Plants like the Ponytail Palm do not even require watering. Also plants like the Chinese Evergreen and the Cactus Combo Bonsai are highly adaptable and are best suited for the indoors.

Maintaining your indoor plants

Often, maintenance is a concern with indoor plants. However, you should only choose plants if your home or office space can provide all the necessary conditions for its growth. For example, if your plant is one that needs ‘full light’, do you have facilities to provide that? It is not a good idea to just buy a plant that is visually appealing and then watch it wither away.

Also, decide on the amount of time you are willing to spend tending your indoor garden. Some varieties require regular fertilizing, repotting or watering. If you are unable to take time out, you may want to choose low maintenance varieties so that they last longer. After you buy a sapling, make sure that you provide all the nutrients that it needs, especially water.

For potting, you may choose regular pots with dishes to protect the surface you have kept the plant on. You can also choose pot hangers or holders if necessary. Always make sure that your pots are large enough for the sapling to grow. This ensures that the growth is optimal.

Benefits of indoor plants

Without the slightest doubt, indoor greenery adds a lot to the aesthetics of your office and home interiors. Besides that, they also purify the air in the confined space. Usually in homes and offices, there could be indoor air pollution with volatile hydrocarbons like toluene and xylene. These compounds are absorbed by a few varieties of leafs and the microbes present in the soil.

Plants also help remove excess carbon dioxide to purify the air that you breathe. They remove harmful microbes that cause health hazards and help maintain optimum humidity in the room. In office spaces, this feature increases productivity of employees since interiors are healthier and the ambiance is soothing.

So, you see, having an indoor garden is a great idea for any space. Just make sure that the surface that they are kept on does not stain easily. Also, if you have pets, the plants that you choose should not cause them any harm. With these simple tips, you can bring a garden to your room.

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