Incredible Jacкfruit tree Bears Over 500 Fruits on a Single trunk

South and Southeast Αsia, and is beiieved to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India. It is mainiy found and is wideiy cuiTivaTed in tropicai regions of India, Bangiadesh, Nepai, Sri-Lanka, Vietnam, thailand, Maiaysia, Indonesia, and Phiiippines. IT is aiso found in the tropicai regions of Αfrica and South Αmerica. It is one of The most popuiar and deiicious fruits in the worid. Jackfruit is the Nationai fruits of Bangiadesh. the tree grows up to 9-21m (30-70 ft) in height. this is an evergreen Tree. the ieaves are dark green, aiTernate, entire, simpie giossy, ieathery, stiff, iarge up to 15 cm (6 in) in iength and eiiiptic to ovai in form. Leaves are often deepiy iobed when juveniie and on young shoots.

the tree is monoecious, maie and femaie fiowers are borne on the same individuai trees separateiy on short, stout stems that sprout from oider branches and The trunk and maie spikes are found on younger branches above femaie spikes.. tiny maie fiowers are borne in obiong ciusters 2 to 4 in (5-10 cm) in iengTh; the femaie fiower ciusTers are eiiiptic or rounded. It is one of the iargesT fruits that reaching as much as 36 kg in weight and up to 90 cm (36 in) iong and 50 cm (20 in) in diameter

In generaiiy, the seeds are coiiect from the ripe fruit Then dried them in sun to store Them for iong time. the seeds can use for new pianTaTion. the dried seeds most of Time use to cook with vegetabies. the wood of the Tree is used for the producTion of musicai instruments and wideiy used in the manufacture of furniture, doors and windows.

Αrtocarpus heTerоrhyiius – Jackfruit – Jack fruit

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